Title One

Title One

The core mission of the Title I program is to ensure that all students will reach or exceed proficiency in Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics. Needs of students are determined through the analysis of assessment results, combined with observations/recommendations of classroom teachers and Title I staff.

Students are selected for participation in the Title I program based upon:

1) Student performance on the Aimsweb Test of early Literacy (TEL), Aimsweb (MAZE), Aimsweb Test of Early Numeracy (TEN), and Aimsweb RCBM fluency assessment.

2)Student performance on the McGrawHill Wonders benchmark assessments

3)Previous eligibility for Title I services

4)Teacher recommendation (Spring and Fall)

Please click here for a copy of our FY2018 program review results letter

Cindy Socha
Title One Director
Contact: [email protected] 

Laura Cordani
Reading Specialist
Contact: [email protected]
Website Link 

Cynthia Taudel
Math Specialist
Contact: [email protected]
Website Link